Thursday 21 February 2008

Fete de Bigarade- LaCaunette, 23rd - 24th Feb

La Bigarade, la fĂȘte de l'oranger en Minervois

It's the Fete de Bigarade this weekend at La Caunette in the Minervois, two days of celebrartion of a rather bitter orange that grows in the microclimate around La Caunette, with 30 or so local flower, tree and herb growers. Look out for the amazing Iris people from the Bassine de Thau, there are some great olives from Roussillon, as well as a range of herbs, roses, flowers. There are also a series of talks on growing olives, figs, making essential oils, and growing truffle infected oaks. Most of the talks are on Sunday. As usual with a good local Fete there is a parade of old fellas dressed up strange faux 18th century dress- the companions of the bitter orange, and a hearty lunch to be had on site.

We will be there on Saturday to try and find some interesting varieties of local herbs and flowers, as well as to nose around and chat.

It costs three euros to get in.

1 comment:

Compost John said...

Hi Peter, glad you like my blog and are my latest 'follower'!
I'll bookmark your blogs and check them out from time to time.
Unless you decide to add 'folowers' to them, in which case I'll follow yours!
Good luck with YOUR low carbon lifestyle and hope you have a productive year.
John Cossham in York, UK